Thursday, October 16, 2008

He can rap (Duh), he can produce (see: all of his beats), and apparently he can sing (Love Lockdown, & Heartless)

1st: there were the "Flashing Lights" video(s)
2nd: Love Lockdown
3rd: Heartless
* Are you seeing the pattern: Innovation; a constantly evolving sound; refreshing genre jumping.

I preface this song no further:

- Listen

- React

- Love

Kanye West - Heartless

Lion King + Indie Rock = Esau Mwamawaya

I have previously posted on Esau, a new Afro-rock musician. Sounds like a great guy: a year ago he owned a furniture store and was just "a guy." Now he seems to be getting some attention, signed a label, recorded an album, and doing big things.

I like him. Maybe you will too.

the very best :: dinosaur on the ark

Passion Pit: "Does a band that sounds like The Shins, The Postal Service, and Hot Chip sound good to you?"

A New York Times review of Passion Pit can be found here:

Passion Pit Review NYT

Video here:
